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Civil War Veteran Bios

Biographical information on Franklin's Civil War veterans which was compiled by students at Franklin High School under the direction of their history teacher, John Leighton, can be found by clicking on the names below. They are sorted alphabetically by last name:


A  B  C  D  F  G  H  J  K  L  M  N  P  R  S  T  W  Y



Alvin Adams, 1837-1864


Charles R. Adams, -1864


Henry P. Adams


Lowell W. Adams


William G. Adams


William M. Adams, 1843-


William W. Adams


Andrew J. Alexander


William Baldwin, -1864


Adin Ballou, 1835-1885


Caleb W. Ballou, 1829-


Owen Ellsworth Ballou, 1842-


Oscar Bassett, 1823-1901


Charles Bemis, 1841-


Seth Blake


Warren H. Bright, 1842-


Albert L. Brock, 1841-1920


Rupert Chute, 1848-


George Clark, 1842-1864


Nathan Clark, 1842-


William H. Cody


Thomas Coffield


Charles Cole


George W. Cole, 1839-


Barton A. Colvin, 1841-


Anthony Connor, 1844-


Barton F. Cook


Joseph W. Cook, 1836-


Daniel O. Corbin


Joseph P. Day, 1822-1893


Edward Dean


Cornelius Dugan


George Farrington, -1864


John Fisher, 1843-1864


Walter M. Fisher


Alfred J. Fitzpatrick, 1839-


Edward H. Freeman


Samuel E. Gay


Marcus Gilmore


William S. Gilmore, 1834-


Charles R. Gowen, 1819-


Nathaniel Grow


Wesley Haslam


Norman Hastings, 1816-1863


Frank F. Hodges


Pliny Holbrook


Samuel C. Hunt


William H. Jackson


Albert L. Jordan, 1837-


Henry Jordan


George King, -1865


Richard H. King


Emery T. Kingsbury, 1840-


George A. Kingsbury, 1838-


Henry D. Kingsbury


Eldolph Labodie


Herbert Lincoln, 1840-1862


George Mann, -1864


Eugene Marsh, 1842-


Bernard McGuire, -1863


Lewis L. Miller, 1840-1862


Granville Morse, 1843-1935


Jeremiah Murphy


Albert Davis Nason, 1841-


Charles M. Nason, 1829-1885


George W. Nason, 1834-


William E. Nason, 1832-


Albert I. Newell


Duane Newell


Olney P. Newell, 1842-1903


George L. Partridge


Whipple Peck Jr.


Horace Pillsbury, 1843-


Philip Riley, 1823-


Thomas Russell, 1845-


James M. Ryan, 1841-1874


John Sanborn, 1843-


Smith Sayles, 1839-


Thomas Sayles, 1841-


Charles Scott, 1847-


George Scott, 1846-


James Clark Simpson, 1826-


James Snow, 1834-


Michael Sullivan, 1841-


William Sullivan, 1824-


Daniel Taft, 1828-


Charles Thayer, 1840-


William Thomas, 1841-


George Thompson, 1827-


Ransom Tift, 1813-1870


Abiram Wales, 1835-


John Wales, 1834-


Lewis Wales, 1844-1863


Owen O. Wales, 1838-


Henry J. Ward, 1839-


William Warren


George White, 1836-1881


William White, 1845-


Daniel Whiting, 1839-


John Whiting, 1814-1886


Lewis Whittaker, 1830-


Sheperd Wiggin


Lewis Williams, 1820-1900


Charles Wilson, 1843-1864


Silas Wilson, 1819-


Otis Winn, 1816-1863


Horace Wood, 1838-


Josiah Wood, 1841-


George Woodward, 1836-1882


John York, 1824-1865



Franklin Historical Museum

80 West Central Street

Franklin, MA 02038

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