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Franklin Veterans:

 American Revolution

Use the table below to search our veteran database for the American Revolution or use the links on the left to search by a different war.

American Revolution

Franklin Veterans

Adams John

Adams Peter

Adams William

Bacon Amos

Bacon Elias   Sergeant

Bacon Joseph   Captain

Bacon Seth   Lieutenant

Bacon Thomas   Captain

Bacon William

Baker Abel

Baker John

Barnes John

Blake Soloman

Boyd John Colonel

Bragg Henry

Brown James

Bullard Elisha

Clark Benjamin

Clark Dyer   Captain

Clark John

Cook Eli

Daniels Nathaniel

Ellis Joseph

Fairbanks Asa

Farrington Aaron

Farrington Elipnalet

Fisher Daniel   Ensign

Fisher Hezekiah   Lieutenant

Fisher Lewis   Captain

Fisher NathanielL   ieutenant

Fisher Pelletier

Fisher Simeon

Fuller William

Gilmore James

Gilmore Samuel

Gould Peter

Guild Joel   Ship Officer

Hawes Moses

Hawes William

Hill Joseph   Sergeant

Hill Timothy

Jones Elias   Sergeant

Kingsbury John

Kingsbury Sephen

Lawrence Amos   Lieutenant

Lethbridge James

Mann George

Melane David

Metcalf Abijah   Captain

Metcalf Asa

Metcalf Ebenezer

Metcalf Hanan

Metcalf James   Captain

Metcalf Michael

Metcalf Phillip

Metcalf Samuel

Metcalf Titus

Newton John

Pague Charles

Partridge Eleazer

Partridge Simeon

Pearce John

Pond Eliah   Captain

Pond Jeab

Pond Jerimiah

Pond John

Pond Oliver   Captain

Pond Robert

Pond Timothy

Powers Ceaser

Rheads Amana

Richardson Eisha

Richardson Eli   Captain

Richardson John

Robbins Joshua

Rockwood Benjamin

Slecumb James

Smith John   Colonel

Thayer Nathan Captain

Thursten Caleb

Ware Amos

Ware David

Ware Elias

Ware Jesse

Ware Oliver

Ware Phineas

Whiting William

Franklin Historical Museum

80 West Central Street

Franklin, MA 02038

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